Please join us for our Summer Cinema on Friday, August 11th. We will be watching the movie, “The Scarlet and the Black,” the classic movie based on the true story of Monsignor Hugh O’Flarity, who helped harbor British and American POWs as well as Jews inside Vatican City. There is no charge for the movie, popcorn, and water. Our Youth group is selling concessions to help defray the cost of their activities and contribute back to our Parish, extremely generous in supporting our Youth.
You are invited to join St. John’s newly formed Marriage Ministry for an informational including a wine and cheese social on Friday, August 11th starting at 7 p.m. in Jonathan Hall. We will explore God’s awesome plan for spouses using the “United in Love/United in Christ!” marriage enrichment program. The introduction night is for adults only (no babysitting) BUT all other nights will have free babysitting. Text or call RSVP to Dave Cooper at 985-302-6690
Deacon Kenny Uhrick presented a wonderful, thought provoking talk this past Thursday at the Men's Group Meeting to kick off our study of life with the Holy Spirit. He ended his talk stating that it is common for us to bottle up the Holy Spirit not allowing growth of our spiritual potential. On Thursday, February 23rd our Men's Group will begin a new session focusing on the Holy Spirit. The first of the series was watched several weeks ago and made a huge impact on the men present, so much so that we decided to start over again so as to invite & share this experience. Please consider joining us again this Thursday, Feb 23rd at 6:30 as we learn more about how the Holy Spirit might impact our lives."
The Solemnity of Mary Mother of God is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year, though there is an 8:00 am Mass since it falls on a first Saturday. The Mass Schedule for the remainder of the weekend is as usual including the 4:30 pm Vigil Mass on Saturday.
Our Parish School of Religion is now registering for the 2021-2022 school year. Classes for grades 8 and below begin Monday, September 13th at 6:00 p.m. Classes for grades 9 & 10 begin Sunday, September 12th after 11:00 Mass. You can register online or pick up a form on one of the tables in Jonathan Hall. please contact Amanda Fraisse at [email protected]
Dear Parishioners of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, In February of 1920, a 28-year-old priest named Father Odilo Alt told the Abbot at St. Joseph that there ought to be a lot of Catholics living north of the Abbey in a small town called Folsom. The Abbot told Father Odilo to go see, and he did find Catholics throughout the woods of Folsom, causing him to form a small mission. In June of 1921 Fr. Odilo’s “Church” was recognized as a parish by the Archdiocese of New Orleans under the patronage of St. John the Baptist. ...more (Mass in Church and broadcast to Jonathan Hall for additional seating)
On Sunday, May 23rd, after the 11:00 a.m. Mass, the Knights of Columbus will host a Picnic in celebration of Fr. Vincent’s 26th Ordination Anniversary. Food, cake, snowballs, and music will be provided. This event is for all parishioners to enjoy. Bring your chairs and plan to spend some time with your Church Community. For added fun, bring your favorite outdoor game.
Fridays during Lent, the stations of the cross will be at 3:30 p.m., outdoors weather permitting. Each parishioner attending the Stations of the Cross is requested to keep the booklet for personal use during this entire Lenten Season. New booklets will be purchased when we return to indoors.
Dinners are offered by drive-thru pick-up service only on Fridays in Lent. The menu is traditional domestic farm-raised fried catfish plate including the usual sides of a cheese-topped potato dish, coleslaw, and hush puppies. Apologies for no baked fish this year. The cost is unchanged at $10. Canned drinks or bottled water is available for $1 each.
Are you looking for ways to serve your neighbor – while enjoying the fraternity of the men of your parish, and experiencing opportunities for spiritual growth? If you are a Catholic man 18 years or older, please consider joining the Knights of Columbus (Council 10176) here at St. John’s. It’s easy; start with online membership at After that, transitioning to our Council is a snap! Questions? Call our Membership Director, Bill Zimmermann, 985-796-1310.
Want your Christmas preparation to be more Christ- centered? St. John’s Knights of Columbus invites you to participate in an evening of adoration every Wednesday of Advent in our church from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m., starting December 2nd.
Everyone is invited and encouraged to join the Knights of Columbus in church on Wednesday, October 14th in praying a 9-Hour Novena for Life. You may attend the entire novena or just come for whatever amount of time you have available. The novena will begin at 10 a.m. with the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by the Rosary. The Rosary, the Angelus and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be prayed every hour on the hour with intercessory prayers and reflections on the sanctity of Life. The novena will end following the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 6:30 p.m. Also, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available between 11 a.m. – noon and 4 - 5 p.m.