Liturgical Ministers Coordinator: David and Mary LeBlanc
A bi-monthly Mass assignment schedule is emailed. A copy can also be found in the vestry in Jonathan Hall.
Mass Captains:
Saturday 4:30pm
Jim Blanke (985) 796-0145, Judy Blanke (985) 807-5766,
John Tennyson, (985) 630-7087 and Mandy Tennyson, (985) 630-3331
Alvin Roussel (985) 515-4032
Laura Zimmer (504) 610-2190 and Bill Zimmer (985) 796-3425
9:15am David J LeBlanc (985) 807-7326, Mary LeBlanc (985) 807-3252
Priscilla Stahel (985) 373-7460, Maggie Zimmer (985) 515-8062
11:00am Jim Fanguy (985) 796-4102
Kathy Chauvin (985) 232-0329
Karen Brown (504) 214-8658
Weekday 8am
Monday: Karen Bovia (334) 479-6885
Wednesday: Laura & Bill Zimmer (504) 610-2190
Thursday: Craig Schiro (713) 504-9690
Friday: Dave & Mary LeBlanc (985) 807-3252
First Saturday 8 am Mass
Karen Bovia (334) 479-6885 or Laura Zimmer (504) 610-2190
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers are trained and delegated to assist the priest with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass when no other ordain cleric is present. Their service is restricted to the parish of their delegation.
The mission of the Lectors is to proclaim the Scriptures appropriate to their station and designated for the liturgy being celebrated.
Commentators make announcements giving directions to the congregation of present or future importance and gives the general intercessions.